More than Just Nutrition
Supplements for Sport Vending Raising awareness of suicide with CALM
We are proud to work with Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) the leading organisation taking a stand against Suicide. In the UK 125 lives are lost every week to suicide, 75% of all suicides are male. CALM exists to change this.
Recognising we have the perfect platform to engage with predominantly 18 to 45-year-olds at our vending machines, we launched 'The Real Strength" campaign in April 2020 to engage and empower Men in the Fitness environment to seek support by picking up the phone and contacting CALM.
All our vending machines are branded with Real Strength Campaign with a freephone number and additional support for Gyms with posters displayed in key areas to create awareness and to encourage men to talk, challenge boring male stereotypes and encourage positive behavioural changes.
As a business, we are proud to be doing what we can to provide support to the health and fitness community we work with to find support if they need it.
If you want to find out more about CALM and how they offer support, you can find all their information and ways you can also support on their website -